Midway Flood Risk Assessment, Mapping & Mitigation Planning Study

Project Background
The Village of Midway (the Village) has experienced significant flood threats over the past number of years. With several flood prone areas along the Kettle River and Boundary Creek over the past years, there are increased concerns surrounding the impact of future flood events within Midway.
In January 2021, the Village competed a Flood Risk Assessment, Mapping & Mitigation Planning Study a study to understand flood risks and provide recommendations on how to protect the community.
The study provided a detailed flood risk assessment, mapping of areas at the highest risk for flooding and flood mitigation planning for the community. Through investigating the hazards from flooding, the study proposes practical, feasible and economical solutions to mitigate property damage from the future floods within Midway.
The results of this study will be used to update the Village’s existing Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 293 and complete the detailed design and construction of the recommended flood mitigation recommendations.
This project was funded by the Province of BC through the Union of BC Municipalities Community Emergency Preparedness Fund.

Project Update
Building flood resiliency takes the whole community working together. A key piece of The Village’s work is to engage with citizens to gather input and perspectives on potential flood mitigation measures.
We invite you to join us on August 8th to learn about the Midway Flood Risk Assessment, Mapping & Mitigation Planning Study and recommendations to protect our community from flood waters.
These recommendations detail the best mitigation measures for Midway to pursue, based on technical data, and environmental, social and economic factors. Now we need public input to help refine the final design concept for construction.
Learn more and share your thoughts!

Public Open House (drop in)
Monday, August 8, 2022
6:30 – 8:30p.m.
Location Change Notice:

Flood Mitigation Survey
This survey will provide an opportunity for the community to provide feedback on the flood mitigation concept plans and help the Village better understand the types of risks residents face when threatened by a flood event.  Survey open from August 2 – 15.
Midway Flood Mitigation Survey