Midway now has a new 18-hole Disc Golf course thanks to funding from the West Boundary Community Forest. The course is located within the newly created 60-acre Midway recreation area owned by the Village. It lies south of the Kettle River and runs through scenic semi open area from Fritz Road to the Canada/USA border. Access/parking can be reached from Highway 3, South down Florence Street, across the Kettle River bridge to the end of Florence and beginning of Fritz Road.
Although the course is not quite complete as we are awaiting signage and mapping, it is fully functional and has had a lot of use by locals and avid disc golfers from all over. The course is downloaded onto the U-disc app thanks to Justin Walmsley.
The course itself is 18 holes covering 1637m/5,374 feet of fairways. Fairway distances range from 45-100m (146’ – 535’). There are three Par 4 fairways and fifteen Par 3. The tee pads are 5’ x 10” concrete. Fairways have a variety of terrain and ground cover ranging from scattered trees with shrubs to semi open treed area and wide-open grassland. Comments from some of the users have described it as “Wow”, “Amazing, “Awesome”, “disc eating” “tough”, “scenic”, “fun but challenging”, “Rad”. All fairways have now been groomed with a brush cutter that has cut down on the “disc eating” but users need to keep a sharp eye on their throws. A pit-toilet was installed near fairway #9.
All labour and equipment was donated by local volunteers. The course was laid out by Dan Macmaster, Manager of West Boundary Community Forest and Ross Elliott who carried out construction supervision, mapping, sign routering and fairway brushing. The following people also generously donated over 400 hours of cumulative work time: BCSS students and teachers, Phil Cameron, Diane Essery, Greenwood Elementary Students and aides, Jennifer Eaton, Jacob Cook-Gruette, Heinz Kreuzer, Larry Kost, Dominic Lauzon, Jennifer MacFarlane, Darrin Metcalf, Grant Pelky, Aaron Pownall, Brian and Marjorie Ross, Ron Sanders, Gary Schierbeck, Jenny Simmonds, Michael Spear, Dylan Stovin, Justin and his son Josiah Walmsley.
Equipment was used for a cumulative time of 20 hours and was generously donated by the following:
Heinz Kreuzer – Tractor for landscaping
Pourboy’s Mechanical – Excavator (clearing and pad preparation) and Dump Truck (hauling sand) – Darrin Metcalf and Gary Schierbeck – operators
Pownall Construction – Aaron Pownall and workmate Dominic Lauzon – concrete tools and equipment and their expertise.
Michael Spear – ATV
Village of Midway – Backhoe (toilet pit) – Phil Cameron Operator
West Boundary Community Forest: hand tools, brush cutter and chainsaw.
Special thanks to: Bob Bugeaud for donation of a security gate, (yet to be installed).
Just-4-Fun who supplied our baskets with a huge discount of $4,600.00.
McMynn’s Hardware for the forklift needed to unload the baskets and storing them on an emergency basis. Thanks Gail Bryan and crew.
West Boundary Community Forest for donating $30,000 in funding to construct the course. We will come in under budget. WBCF also donated 100 discs to the local schools to get the students interested in the sport.
To all the volunteers, we cannot thank you enough as it would not have got done without you.
As the course will get used more and more, we would appreciate it if users could sign in at the registration box to give us an idea of usage and we would also like to have some constructive feedback to continue to improve.
If you want to try the sport without investing in the discs (not expensive) you can contact Ross Elliott on our Facebook page or messenger to arrange for loaners.
Enjoy and happy disc golfing.